Wonderful Christmastime. Villancico en inglés para niños

Letra del villancico Wonderful Christmastime para cantar con los niños en Navidad

Estefanía Esteban, Periodista
En este artículo
  1. Letra del villancico Wonderful Christmastime
  2. Vídeo del villancico Wonderful Christmastime cantado por Jimmy Fallon y Paul McCartney
  3. Vídeo del villancico Wonderful Christmastime de Paul McCartney

Uno de los villancicos que más éxito tiene todos los años en Navidad es Wonderful Christmastime, un villancico original de Paul McCartney que escribió en 1979.   

Guiainfantil.com te ofrece esta fabulosa versión más corta del actor y humorista norteamericano Jimmy Fallon. Interpreta a cappella el villancico navideño con Matthew McConaughey, Seth McFarlane, Scarlett Johansson y Reese Witherspoon y por supuesto, Paul McCartney. Aquí tienes la letra para cantarlo con tus hijos.

Letra del villancico Wonderful Christmastime

Wonderful Christmastime

The moon is right

The spirits up

We're here tonight

And that's enough

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime


The choir of children sing their song

They practice all year long

Ding dong, ding dong

Ding dong, ding dog

Ding dong ding dong

ding dong don ding...


The moon is right

The spirits up

We're here tonight

And that's enough

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime


La canción completa incluye estas estrofas: 

The party's on

The feelin's here

That only comes

This time of year

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

The choir of children sing their song

Ding dong, ding dong

Ding dong, ding ooo

Ooo ooo toot toot toot toot toot toot

We're simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

The word is out

About the town

To lift a glass

Ah don't look down

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

The choir of children sing their song

They practiced all year long

Ding dong, ding dong

Ding dong, ding dong

Ding dong, ding dong, dong, dong, dong, dong

The party's on

The spirits up

We're here tonight

And that's enough

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

We're simply having a wonderful Christmastime

The moon is right

The spirits up

We're here tonight

Oh and that's enough

We're simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Oh oh


Vídeo del villancico Wonderful Christmastime cantado por Jimmy Fallon y Paul McCartney

Vídeo del villancico Wonderful Christmastime de Paul McCartney

Puedes leer más artículos similares a Wonderful Christmastime. Villancico en inglés para niños, en la categoría de Villancicos - canciones navideñas en Guiainfantil.com.
