Last Christmas. Villancico en inglés para niños

Letra del villancico Last Christmas para cantar con los niños

Estefanía Esteban, Periodista
En este artículo
  1. Letra del villancico Last Christmas para cantar en familia
  2. Vídeo del villancico Last Christmas

Una de las cosas que más les gusta de la Navidad a los niños... ¡los villancicos! Existen villancicos más clásicos y populares, y otros, como este, más modernos. 'Last Christmas' es un villancico de la banda Wham, liderada por el cantante George Michael. Se hizo muy famosa en los años 80. nos trae la letra para que los niños aprendan a cantarla, y en inglés.

Letra del villancico Last Christmas para cantar en familia

Last Christmas

Last Christmas

I gave you my heart

But de very next day

you gave it away.

This year you save me 

from tears

I'll give it to someone special (bis) 


Once bitten and twice shy

I keep my distance

But you still catch my eye.


Tell me baby

you recognize me?

Well, it's been a year

it doesn't surprise me. 


(Happy Cristmas) 

I wrapped it up and sent it

with a note saying

'I love you'

and meant it.


Now I know what a fool I've been

but if you kissed me now

I know you'd fool me again.


Last Christmas

I gave you my heart

But de very next day

you gave it away.

This year you save me 

from tears

I'll give it to someone special (bis) 

A crowded room

Friends with tired eyes

I'm hiding from you.

And you soul of ice

Oh my I thought you were

Someone to rely on me?

I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A face on a lover

with a fire in his heart.

A man under cover but you

tore me apart.

Now I've found a real love

you'll never fool me again.




A face on a lover

with a fire in his heart,

a man undercover but you tore me apart.

Maybe next year 

I'll give it to someone

I'll give it to someone epecial.

Vídeo del villancico Last Christmas


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